Certificate II Meat Processing (Food Services)

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Qualification Description
This qualification covers work activities undertaken by workers commencing work in meat enterprises which undertake specialised services, such as preparing shelf ready retail products, meat wholesalers, specialty meat cuts, gourmet meat, bulk value-added products, and providing meat preparation customer service.
The AMP20117 Certificate II in Meat Processing (Food Services) is a highly flexible qualification enabling selections to be made from a wide range of units.
Graduates from this qualification will be able to:
- access, record and act on a defined range of information from a range of sources
- apply and communicate known solutions to a limited range of predictable problems
- use a limited range of equipment to complete tasks involving known routines and procedures with a limited range of options.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.

Packaging Rules
To achieve this qualification, competency must be demonstrated in:
14* units of competency:
- 6 core units plus
- 8 elective units.
Elective units must ensure the integrity of the qualification’s Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) alignment and contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome. The electives are to be chosen as follows:
Core Units | |
AMPCOR201 | Maintain personal equipment |
AMPCOR202 | Apply hygiene and sanitation practices |
AMPCOR203 | Comply with Quality Assurance and HACCP requirements |
AMPCOR204 | Follow safe work policies and procedures |
AMPCOR205 | Communicate in the workplace |
AMPCOR206 | Overview the meat industry |
Elective Units (Select a minimum of 8 from the below) | |
AMPA2026 | Operate whizzard knife |
AMPA2031 | Operate Circular Saw |
AMPA2038 | De-Nude meat cuts |
AMPA2041 | Operate cubing machine |
AMPA2044 | Trim Neck |
AMPA2045* | Trim forequarter to specification |
AMPA2046* | Trim hindquarter to specification |
AMPA2047* | Inspect hindquarter and remove contamination |
AMPA2048* | Inspect forequarter and remove contamination |
AMPA2049* | Remove Spinal Cord |
AMPA2070 | Identify Cuts and Specifications |
AMPA2071 | Pack Meat Products |
AMPA2072 | Operate Carton Sealing Machine |
AMPA2073 | Operate Carton Scales |
AMPA2074 | Operate Strapping Machine |
AMPA2078 | Inspect meat for defects in a packing room |
AMPA2110 | Store carton product |
AMPA2111 | Locate storage areas and products |
AMPA2112 | Complete re-pack operation |
AMPX201 | Prepare and operate bandsaw |
AMPX202 | Clean work area during operations |
AMPX209 | Sharpen knives |
AMPX210* | Prepare and slice meat cuts |
AMPX211* | Trim Meat to specifications |
Prerequisite requirements
Units listed in the Prerequisite requirement column that have their own prerequisite requirements are shown with an asterisk (*)
In this case is AMPX209 - Sharpen Knives
How will you be assessed?
You will be assessed via a variety of means including, practical demonstration of skills, knowledge assessment and your ability to apply skills in a real workplace environment.
Students undertaking this qualification need to be employed / working in a meat processing facility.
Entry requirements
There are no entry requirements for this qualification and there also are no licensing, legislative or underpinning certification requirements applying to this qualification.
Assessment conditions
This qualification must be delivered and assessed in the context of Australian meat processing standards and regulations. Students undertaking this qualification need to be employed by a meat processing facility and have access to a registered operating meat processing plant.
All assessments must be demonstrated at the normal rate of production.
What to expect
Students can expect to complete this qualification in under 12 months and on completion will have the fundamental skills of a meat processing worker.
After completing the Certificate II, students should feel confident to progress their learning and be ready to undertake the Certificate III in Meat Processing qualification.